Pothole season continues despite many communication delays with helplinesBy Andrea Vazquez and Matt BalaziaApr 29, 2021Apr 29, 2021
Chicago Vaccinations continue to increase as the city hopes to enter Phase 1CChicago continues to give vaccines throughout the city and residents continue to endlessly search for an appointment.Mar 16, 2021Mar 16, 2021
Graffiti Vandalism in ChicagoWith the upcoming summer months, graffiti service requests may be on the rise.Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021
Gov. Abbott's termination of Texas Mask Mandate; How Unemployment may affect 2020 taxes filesTexas Gov. Abbott’s Announcement to end the mask mandateMar 4, 2021Mar 4, 2021
The Highest NCAA Football Coach Salaries of 2020Here are the highest-paid coaches of the 2020 season of the National Collegiate Association.Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021
Chicago continues to increase vaccinations for COVID-19Chicago residents are one of many cities to begin distribution for the COVID-19 vaccine.Feb 16, 2021Feb 16, 2021
Quinn: Pensions Threaten Map GrantsThere have been new changes in pension form as Governor Pat Quinn discusses.Jan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021
Neighborhood Mall Harlem Irving Plaza Experiences Depreciation in Public TrafficIn correlation with the coronavirus pandemic, the local Northwest side mall, Harlem Irving Plaza, faces dramatic changes.Dec 3, 2020Dec 3, 2020
President Barack Obama’s Gun Control Speech at Hyde ParkPresident Barack Obama made a speech at Hyde Park and spoke on gun control.Nov 12, 2020Nov 12, 2020
Walking Trails in Chicago- a COVID-19 Friendly ActivityAs we enter into the fall season, the activities people can do and practice social distancing are limited. However, walking trails seem to…Nov 12, 2020Nov 12, 2020